PI Probaligence Gmbh

🌿 Green Tech Kick-Off Event - Project "Na Logisch!"

On 19.10.2023, the official kick-off event of the “Green Tech Innovation Competition” took place in Berlin. The aim of the projects funded by the BMWK in this context is to use sustainable digital technologies to contribute to the achievement of German and European climate and environmental protection goals within the framework of the 2030 Agenda.

We are proud to be a partner together with , , , and of the joint project “Na, Logisch!”, which is funded.

In the joint project “Na, Logisch!”, a systematic approach to sustainable paint development is being developed with the help of laboratory automation and artificial intelligence. This makes recipe optimisation possible with minimal use of resources and maximum reproducibility! 

Dr. Meiko Hecker from AOM Systems accepted the certificate on behalf of the project team.

If you have any questions about the project or the technologies used, please do not hesitate to contact us and our project partners! 

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