PI Probaligence Gmbh
STOCHOS 6.0.0. release
The list of new features is very long, so we focus here on the highlights:
Stochos GEN-AI:
A completely new subcategory of Stochos that allows to create new geometries from existing geometries in just a few seconds and to explore new design variants. You can use existing geometries, optimize the new ones or explore new design ideas in no time. STOCHOS optimizes existing and suggest new geometry variants without the geometry having to be parameterized.
Export various DIM-GP models as standalone web apps with a single line of code. You can easily share trained models with your colleagues or customers or host them on a server. Overall the handling has become much easier.
In addition, we further improved our famous optimizer to get better results for many DIM-GP applications, especially for signals.
We have introduced a new type of sensitivity analysis to show in detail which input parameter moves the prediction from an initial value to a target and by how much. This extends our previous quantitative sensitivity analysis to include qualitative evaluation options.
Bayesian Optimization:
We have developed a completely new API for setting up optimization problems using only text.
In order to help you fully understand all changes, we have thoroughly updated our tutorial and included examples for each new feature.
We hope that you are as excited about the release as we are and that the new functions will provide you with tons of added value.
Customers can now download the new release on the customer portal !

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